Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Just a terrific Tuesday!

I took a lot of pictures today and I thought- hey! I can blog these!! So I am! Wow.

So Dr. Ben Carson spoke at Devotional today and wow oh wow. SOO good!! so glad I went!!!!!!!!!! We've also been getting snow dumped on us, now that it's almost March...but it made the mountains look so beautiful!!

We also a RS activity called "Rock On!" where we colored rocks and played JustDance! It was soo fun!!! I LOVE Just Dance! SOO entertaining!

Ashley's brother gave her a 5 lb gummy bear for Christmas!! HUGE!!
My rock

Kelsey's rocks
I have a video of me and Kaitlin getting our groove on, but it won't load....maybe one day...

Enjoy! I hope your Tuesday was as great as mine!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Stroke of Genius

So I feel like since I don't have cute kids to post pictures of, and I'm not very good at posting regular events on my blog, when I do write I need to have some stroke of genius or some inspiration to share with the world. But I realized, I don't. So there's my stroke of genius. Now I can tell you all about myself so you can all fulfill your purpose as blog readers...to stalk me of course.
(Christina, here you go! :) )

So here's the DL on my life.

To begin with, I want to go on record as saying that I don't like Winter semesters. They just always seem to be so blahhh. And it's cold. I don't like being cold. No really. I pretty much always have my rice sock heated up if I'm home. So I feel like any good thing that happens during a winter semester is a bonus. Even though this winter has been really weak sauce, it's still winter. And I'm ready for it to be gone. Ok. Now I'm done with that.(Though it does make for pretty pictures (: )

School has been good this semester (see previous post about loving my major...) but my motivation is slowly dying. My last full semester as a student and I don't care too much about what happens. I still do my homework and study, its just very much last minute and I don't do as much as I did, say Freshman year. But I'm ok with that. I think the practicum (going into the schools for a month) is going to save me from myself this semester. I just love working with real kids for an extended period of time! Oh so fun!! I'm also taking my Praxis test March 10, which is the test that allows me to be a teacher. It's a test on all of the content knowledge of being an elementary school teacher. Fun right? So if you want to throw a few prayers out that day, that would be cool.

This semester I also feel like I've forgotten how to socialize! I have turned into such a homebody, mostly I think because my roommates are too, and one of them is engaged long distance, so I have no qualms about staying home every Friday night and watching movies! But when I do go out into big groups, I feel so lost! Either I need to take a crash course in socializing or I need to get married so I can just bum at home and not feel too guilty ;) Any suggestions for fixing my lack of desire to socialize??

I also got my haircut recently. My sister-in-law's sister (Mary- holla holla!) cut it and she did a fab job! It's been an adjustment getting used to it being so short, but I've gotten lots of compliments on it and I do enjoy a short cut :)

I'm also very excited for my new little nephew Sanders to make his debut in early March!! We had a couple bonding moments already in the womb over Christmas break, so I'm pretty sure I'll be his favorite. YAY Babies!!!!!! and new baby Beckham is pretty dang adorable too if I do say so myself....we just need to work on that bonding....

SO that's all I can think of to tell you for now. But I'll try and come around more often because I love reading other peoples blogs, so its only fair that I return the favor. Right? Of course right.

"Is somebody in the room??"
-Slipper in the Rose
Great movie. Watched it Friday. HIGHLY recommend it.

peace and blessins.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Dont ya wish your major was cool like mine?

I have the best major.

We just play allllllllllllll day.

except when we don't.

But I really love the people in my cohort. A lot. We have a lot of fun for real. And I have been blessed with such great teachers. Except one. But that's cool. And we almost get to go back into the schools! Yehaw!!!